We going to talk about a day, because I feel like if you can’t make a day go right, why are you trying to make your life time go right .
Now; your life is today, yesterday is over, tomorrow is not here; so today is your life.
Your lifetime involves yesterday, today and tomorrow, but your life is a 24hour period So if i can’t make 1 day go right, I haven’t managed my life. So someone is like:
– how is life treating you?
– what do you mean how is life treating me?! You mean; how do I treat myself!
Because I decide my successes, I decide my pleasures.
My decisions create my life, my world.
I don’t believe In Just hope, I believe there is a plan that we can implement; there are keys that we can use to make a day the highest level day; because today is a seed for tomorrow. So my life today really matters, I’m not trying just to survive today, today is my life . What do I do with it ?!
I’ve had days that I was thinking that everything I’ve done was foolish and stupid, like why have I done that ?!; and there has been other days that I felt like Woow I’ve got it together. Now, technically nobody has it together, we just look like we have it together; Everybody is got a part of their life in disorder; Everybody!
«You should be the most important person in your life, you must invest in yourself. If I take care of me, I can take care if my mom too»
You must see yourself as a company, you are the president of your company , you are a corporation. You invest time , you increase the worth of your company.
So I’m going to give you some brief things that I use and works perfectly for me that I think will improve your day too.
You should be the most important person in your life, you must invest in yourself.
If I take care of me, I can take care if my mom too. If I take care of my mind, I can take care take care of my family, of others. Remember your personal importance and don’t make all of your investment in others. See yourself as extremely important in your world, so you want to invest in you , because the best gift you can give anybody is a happy you. You want to give attention to yourself because nobody is thinking about you all day, they are thinking about them, even a critic the only time they thought of you is when they criticize you.
«My decisions create my life , my world»
Life is a collection of goals, you have succeeded thousands of times, obtaining something you want!
So how can you improve your life in 24h?!
Number one: identify the dominant goal of your day, that’s what you believe if you succeed that day, that’s the thing you need to succeed at; what’s the one thing everyday that if you achieve it, the day will be successful. What has to happen today, to feel that this day was successful?!
«I don’t believe In Just hope, I believe there is a plan that we can implement»
Number 2: view today as an investment of preparation for tomorrow, something that you do today, will create a reward tomorrow. Today is a seed. So there will be alot of things that if you do today won’t pay off until tomorrow – the future. And things that you do today, won’t pay off today , they are long term, so part of today is a seed (example: I will be a millionaire a year from now, you set up a clear goal and date )
Number 3: Name A theme of the day. I name a theme everyday (ex: today is day of learning). What does this do? Does several things; first it merels your focus, you don’t over live the day. When you name a theme of the day, you immediately unclutter your mind, you unclutter your life, your day. This is the focus of today – learning (or anything you want to focus on that day)
«Remember your personal importance and don’t make all of your investment in others»
Number 4: prophesy your day (I got up this morning I stand at the edge of my bed and begin to prophesy my day) I begin to tell my day how is it going to be like ; This is how you going to perform for me Ana :), this is what’s gonna happen at 10 am, this is where you going at 3 pm etc. Prophesy your day. I don’t work for my day, my day is mastered. (Try it for 31 days ,you gonna suddenly have a sense, I can sculpture my life )
Number 5: Standardize parts of your day. There are things that you do everyday same time, so standardize them ; maybe the time you go to bed or the time where you take your lunch. That takes a loud off. If you do something every week, standardize the week, do it same time every week. The more you standardize parts of your life the more joy you will have in the creative parts of your life.
«I want to remind you to escape from where you are mentally and go to a better place, think positive thoughts everyday, not the same as yesterday habitually. – I call it comfort in change philosophy. There are some things that you must endure for a season so a Change can happen»
Number 6: identify 3 things that will inspire you that day; maybe a picture of somebody, maybe a particular song . What gets you going, what unlocks you; it’s different with everybody.
Find 3 things that excites you, the things that unlocks your energy
Number 7: journal 3 good things that happen that day, At the end of everyday, not a chapter, just few things that you Are grateful for, that you feel good about (maybe you did on schedule something) just journal.
Why? It unlocks a gratitude mindset and you begin to exude what’s inside you
Numbers 8: Rest; Rest is a healer, you are very different person when you are rested, than when you are not. Never make a measure decision past 3 oclock every day, because fatigue births bad Decisions. When you are tired you make wrong decisions. If you want to improve a day, get yourself restored.
I want to remind you to escape from where you are mentally and go to a better place, think positive thoughts everyday, not the same as yesterday habitually.
– I call it comfort in change philosophy.
There are some things that you must endure for a season so a Change can happen.
But I’m a woman really inclined to believe in change and that my decisions create my life!
Model: Ana Nicolaie @ananicolaie
Photographer: Darya Timurova
Stylist: Katrin Freud
Hairstyle: Nicolas Hallak; Nicolas Salon