Elena Kugel

Lana Scolaro
September 20, 2023
Maria Carla Ballina
October 16, 2023

She is an artist, model, and entrepreneur with a degree in economics. Born in Central Asia, she currently lives in Germany and likes to spend all her free time on the Cote d’Azur enjoying the beauty and working on new projects. We asked Elena Kugel about her career choices and favorite places to visit.
Elena, let’s talk about you. How difficult was it to become a petit model at 5’4?
That’s absolutely not difficult. Because everybody can be a model. Nowadays, the fashion industry is different from what it was in the 90’s. Today, there’s more demand for diversity.

What character traits do you need to possess to make it in modeling?
Discipline is always important in every job. I also run an agency for social media and online marketing where, among other things, I stand behind the camera. I really enjoy all of this artistic stuff. Both require a certain degree of aesthetic flair.

You recently did a shoot in Monaco, what kind of project was it? How did the shoot go?
I often shoot in Monaco. I love doing projects there because of the great atmosphere and the unique buildings. I will be back in December because it’s particularly beautiful there before Christmas.
Share your impressions of Monaco – the pearl on the Mediterranean coast.
It is very difficult to describe. You simply have to go and see for yourself.

Can you say that you’re a model now? What projects do you anticipate in the near future?
I’ve been modeling since I was 14. I just had a very long break in between and initially wanted to learn more about other things in life. But hey, this is so much fun. Why shouldn’t you continue doing the things you can do? The next project is in Bodrum in October, but I can’t tell you about it now.