Isa Salmen

Jamie Villamor and Jon Gray
September 15, 2024
Isa Salmen is a versatile talent, excelling as an actress, ballerina, and singer, with fluency in multiple languages. With prestigious training and a diverse career spanning both Brazilian and international projects, she continues to make her mark in the industry. As she takes on a new role in an HBO series, Isa opens up about her artistic journey, her work across borders, and the values that ground her

Isa, you are an incredibly talented person, working extensively with various international teams. You’re an actress, a ballerina, a singer, and fluent in over four languages. Have you ever been involved in a project that required you to use all of your talents? What were the biggest challenges when filming in different countries?

Thank you! So far, I haven’t had the chance to play a character that requires me to dance, sing, and speak multiple languages all at once, but I’d absolutely love to take on such a challenge. As actors, I believe we need to be well-rounded. My training stems from theatre, where I honed my body, voice, and a multitude of other skills. I see developing and mastering these abilities as the least we can do as artists.

As for working in foreign countries, interestingly enough, I don’t find it particularly challenging. Ever since I was a child, I’ve travelled with my parents to the far corners of the world. My father always instilled in me a love for and respect of other cultures, and through that, I’ve built lasting friendships across the globe. I feel at home wherever I go, as I’m able to communicate well and form connections easily. But, of course, Brazil will always be my true home.

You’re currently filming a new HBO series in Spain. What can you tell us about your role, and what intrigued you most about this character? What do you think will captivate viewers?

I can’t reveal too much just yet, but my character, Teresa, is an absolute gift! Leonel Vieira, the director, and the entire team and cast of the series have been incredible to work with. Teresa will touch upon significant and relevant issues in today’s society, which I’m very excited about. I believe viewers will be drawn to the broad and timely topics we’ll be covering, and I’m looking forward to being able to share more details soon!

Your career spans a variety of genres, from theatre to television and film. You’ve trained at prestigious institutions like Lee Strasberg and Stella Adler. How did that training shape your professional growth and your choice of roles? Which elements of Western film training do you apply in your work?

What an excellent question! I always appreciate when interviewers ask something thought-provoking. As a diligent student of Lee Strasberg, I’ve often drawn on emotional memory to find the right emotions for my scenes. However, no technique is infallible. There have been disagreements about the Method itself, particularly regarding emotional memory, as it can become depleted, and revisiting painful memories can be damaging to one’s wellbeing.

This is where Meisner comes in, which I also studied in the US. Through his technique, I employ “Fantasy”, creating hypothetical situations to immerse myself in the character’s world. It’s essential to have a repertoire of techniques, as something different may be required for each role.

What do you enjoy most about working on Brazilian television compared to international projects? Are there any Brazilian projects that hold a special place in your heart?

Every project I’ve done in Brazil, and those I plan to do, holds significant meaning for me. Brazil is home to some of the best television dramas in the world, and our artists are truly remarkable. We have a thriving audiovisual industry filled with talented writers, casting directors, producers, actors, and directors. We create magic and tell powerful stories. I am immensely proud of my country and our cinema.

That said, I’m also eager to continue expanding my career internationally. I greatly admire European, Argentine, and American cinema, as well as the world of streaming. There’s still so much I want to accomplish—so get ready, because this is only the beginning, and you’ll be hearing a lot more from me soon, hehe!

How do you maintain balance in such a demanding career? What inspires you, and are there any personal rituals you can’t live without?

My values are unwavering and non-negotiable. I have deep roots, and my family is my most precious treasure. I also prioritise self-awareness, mental health, and spirituality. I go to therapy twice a week, eat healthily, and maintain a regular exercise routine. My faith is incredibly important to me as well.

Fame, money, and work can all disappear in the blink of an eye, but your integrity, values, and education are what remain constant.

Photographer: @studiofaya
Make up and hair: @kantovick
Actress: @isasalmen
PR: @say__media