Paige Pace

Maria Carla Ballina
October 16, 2023
Daniela Tablante
October 31, 2023

From the bustling streets of New York to the sun-kissed beaches of Florida, Paige Pace’s journey in the modeling world has been one of resilience, passion, and a deep commitment
to redefining standards of beauty. A native of Georgia, Paige’s narrative in the world of fashion is as captivating as the campaigns she graces.

Before stepping onto the global modeling stage, Paige’s foundation was built in the world of beauty pageants. It was
more than just a competition; it was an avenue for her to advocate for a cause close to her heart: Eating Disorder Awareness. Given her personal battles with body dysmorphia and eating disorders, this mission was deeply personal and transformative. Pageantry wasn’t merely about crowns or titles for Paige; it was a call to action, a rallying cry for acceptance and self-love.

As she transitioned into modeling, beginning at the tender age of 18, Paige saw fashion as an extension of this advocacy. She believes fashion is not just about the clothes, but the narratives they weave. Whether it’s the comfort and practicality of a Lululemon athleisure or the understated elegance of a night out in Louboutins, each ensemble tells a story. «Fashion is my canvas, and every outfit is a brushstroke that captures a facet of who I am,» Paige notes.
Paige’s portfolio is a testament to her versatility and prowess. Beyond her impressive domestic engagements, she has achieved international acclaim with publications that span across borders. «Modeling provided me a platform to not just showcase different brands but to also echo the importance of body acceptance and positivity,» she reflects.

As for what the future holds for Paige, while her journey has been stellar, it feels as though it’s just the beginning. With her drive, passion, and commitment to change, we can expect to see Paige Pace leading initiatives, campaigns, and possibly even her own fashion endeavors, all echoing the message of positivity and inclusivity she’s championed from the start.