Stella Bego

Anna Bonino
August 10, 2023
Lana Scolaro
September 20, 2023

Italian-born Stella Bego was captivated by the fashion world from an early age. She has since developed a signature minimalist style with chic and timeless pieces striking an intriguing balance between masculine and feminine. She shared her secrets of impeccable looks with us.Stella, you were born in Florence, tell us about your childhood, how did your passion for fashion begin?

I had a childhood that was both joyful and pleasing, full of unforgettable moments.
Each time my father left for work and my mother had the day off, I recall us getting ready to leave. She always took the time to dress impeccably and put on makeup flawlessly, which admittedly made me a tad envious, ha-ha.
Whenever we went for a stroll in the downtown area, I couldn’t resist the temptation of newsstands and would always persuade my mother to purchase a magazine for me.
My passion for fashion is mostly transmitted from my mother, while the remaining inspiration comes from various sources such as magazines, music, and old movies.

How do you like working in Switzerland? What do you love about the country?

Working here is an absolute joy for me. Switzerland provides a multitude of advantages, such as an exceptional standard of living and an ideal equilibrium between professional and personal life. Companies in this country offer incredible prospects for career growth while allowing you to enjoy an extraordinary quality of life.
Switzerland is a country that I absolutely adore, and every aspect of it captivates me. The stunning Alpine landscape and the idyllic weather are just some of the many things I appreciate. Additionally, the vast selection of cheese, delectable chocolates, and globally recognized timepieces are also noteworthy. The combination of these distinct elements makes Switzerland a truly unique and captivating destination.

Your personal style is minimalist. Tell us about some of your favorite closet items.

Some articles of clothing that I treasure in my wardrobe consist of blazers, impeccably tailored garments, premium denim, high-quality pants, a long, flowing maxi coat, a reliable pair of sneakers, and elegant black high heels.

How can you emphasize or express your individuality with your own style?

As previously mentioned, I tend to favor a minimalist approach in regards to my personal style. Achieving a harmonious balance between masculine and feminine elements is something I frequently emphasize. This can be executed through various articles of clothing, ranging from a finely cut suit to a relaxed pair of jeans, or even fashionable footwear such as sneakers or high heels. I firmly believe in the power of simplicity.

Give some tips on how to be in such brilliant physical shape as you are.

To maintain a healthy lifestyle, it is crucial to incorporate regular exercise and physical activity into your routine. Equally important is to make conscious choices when it comes to your diet, opting for nutritious and wholesome meals while avoiding unhealthy food. For example, for breakfast, a favorite option is avocado toast, while lunch often consists of a nourishing bowl filled with vibrant greens, hearty vegetables, and protein-rich eggs. Alongside my morning meal, I enjoy a cup of coffee, although it is not the sole beverage I indulge in. I also savor a metabolism-boosting juice made with a refreshing combination of lemon, celery, and a touch of ginger. This invigorating concoction offers numerous benefits, promoting both purification and energy. Remember to prioritize your hydration throughout the day by consuming ample amounts of water.

Model: Stella Bego @bstelstella
PR: @say__media
Photographer: OlaFrasPhoto @olafrasphoto
Makeup Artist: Luisablsi @luisablsi